Yaoi hentai comics Genshin Impact – For the Harbingers! Pairing: Childe & MOB

This Taru-centric doujin is the most dick-filled doujin I've ever drawn in my life. If it's Childe, I'm sure he would easily accept a situation like this as another challenge. He is Childe after all.

Looking back to how Childe was beaten badly by his subordinates in his Story Quests, having him face Electrohammer Vanguard and Hydrogunner Legionnaire was just mean lol. It really showed that it was possible for a Harbinger to be bested by their subordinates.
My Childe can now kill four Mr. Cyclops in just 10 seconds. After 15 months of farming for the Heart of Depth, I seemed to have gained some new insights on Childe.

For me, rather than a superior-subordinate kind of relationship, I think Childe and his underlings probably treat each other more like brothers.
And hopefully, we'll get the chance to see the day when Childe finally defeats the Heavenly Principles and takes over the world.

Yaoi hentai comics Genshin Impact – For the Harbingers! Pairing: Childe & MOB

Genshin Impact
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